Sponsorship Levels

Contact michelle@veteransheritage.org or 602.218.4036 x 101 with questions

Honor Sponsorship


  • Recognition in pre-event publicity: press release, social media, and newsletter.
  • Advertisement and veteran presenter benefits at the Preserve Sponsor level
  • Table and logo benefits at the Educate Sponsor level
  • 1 bottle of red and 1 bottle of white wine for the table

Preserve Sponsorship


  • One-hour veteran presentation and Q & A at your organization; inspire your workplace and show support for your veteran employees
  • 1/2 page advertisement in event program
  • Table and logo benefits at the Educate Sponsor level
  • 1 bottle of red and 1 bottle of white wine for the table

Educate Sponsorship


  • Table of ten (10) with preferred seating
  • 1/4 page advertisement in event program
  • Logo recognition: invitation (if by 12/1/23), event program (if by 1/15/24), onsite signage
  • Logo recogntion: veteransheritage.org and annual report

Sponsorship Flier